悪夢の始まり2015.11.21ヴィンセントのイベントやっときた!使ってあげたいので専用武器ゲットするぞーとガチャしたところ シド武器が2本・・・以前、セフィロスかクラウド辺りの武器欲しいなぁとガチャしたら バレット武器2本でたしな。 狙った武器はうちにこない仕様か。
Please can you update script from Before Crisis 5+?
Links dont work 🙁 -> http://flashpink.sakura.ne.jp/ff7/bc05.html
bc05.html was updated.
Other also updates soon.
I really apreciate your work thank you so much, i’ll waiting for you publish chapter 14 and more to read all of them 🙂
Updated all of the pages of FFBC.
Thank you for looking at the site.
Do you have FF7 Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode script in japanese?
Thanks you so much for your work and BC chapters!
I’m sorry.
Episode script other than FF7 BC does not have.